
Spostare un pianoforte in sicurezza

Spostare un pianoforte è molto difficile. Prima di provare a farlo da solo, potresti prendere in considerazione l’  assunzione di traslochi professionisti per svolgere il lavoro. Ciò è particolarmente vero se è necessario spostare il pianoforte giù per una rampa di scale, in un ascensore o se si hanno spazi ristretti per spostarsi.

I pianoforti sono pesanti e goffi e sono piuttosto preziosi; non importa le ferite che puoi causare alla tua casa e alla tua schiena. Se sei determinato a spostare il pianoforte da solo, ecco alcuni suggerimenti utili per assicurarti che sia fatto in modo sicuro.

Chiedere aiuto

Ricorda, i pianoforti non sono solo pesanti, ma sono anche scomodi. I montanti portano tutto il loro peso nella metà superiore e le gambe e i piedi possono essere fragili, quindi avrai bisogno di alcune mani in più per aiutarti.

Pianifica che almeno quattro persone muovano correttamente e in sicurezza il pianoforte verticale medio. Questa è un’opportunità perfetta per chiedere favori da amici e familiari. Assicurati di offrire loro qualcosa per il loro tempo e impegno, anche se è solo un pranzo o un favore in cambio del loro aiuto.

Ottieni l’attrezzatura giusta

Rent or purchase heavy-duty straps that will provide a better hold on the piano itself. You’ll also need a furniture dolly that can support the weight of the piano. Straps can also be used to secure the piano to the dolly and in the moving truck.

If you’re in doubt, talk to a moving truck rental agency or a moving supply center. They’ll direct you to the right tools and make suggestions depending on the type of piano you’ll be moving.

You’ll also need to rent or purchase padding or moving blankets to protect the piano from bumps. This will help protect walls from cracks and scrapes, too.

Protect the Keyboard

The first step in moving a piano is to close and lock the keyboard lid. This will prevent it from opening during the move. The keys are fragile and need to be protected.

If the keyboard lid does not lock, make sure that the lid is closed when you wrap the piano. Don’t use tape to keep the lid closed as this will damage the wood surface.

Wrap the Piano

With the blankets or padding, wrap the piano. Make sure the corners are protected and secure the blanket with packing tape. Keep the tape from contact with the piano’s surface.

Make sure that the blanket or padding is thick enough that it’ll keep the piano protected from any bumps it might incur.

Lifting the Piano

When lifting the piano into position, whether that’s onto the furniture dolly, onto the truck, or to another location within the house, you must remember to not lift it by its legs. The legs are extremely vulnerable. Also, keep the piano in an upright position. Laying it on its side is not good for the inner mechanics.

  1. Position two people on each end of the piano and place the moving straps under the piano’s bottom, with a strap on each end.
  2. With one person holding one each end of each strap (you should now have four people helping, each supporting the four corners), lift the piano onto the furniture dolly.
  3. Now secure it, ensuring that the piano legs are sitting flat on the dolly.
  4. If the piano has casters, you need to either lock the casters in place (if possible) or ensure that the piano is well secured.

Securing It in the Truck

The piano should be put at the back of the moving truck next to the back wall—the wall that separates the truck’s interior cab from the cargo space. It will be one of the first pieces you pack and one of the last you unload at the new location.

Many piano movers suggest using wood planks to ensure a level of flooring for the piano since most truck spaces are not level. This helps relieve pressure on the casters and piano legs which will strain to stabilize during the move. If you use planks, lay them along the back wall.

  1. Lift the piano from the dolly onto the planks.
  2. Using the moving straps, secure the piano to the truck wall.
  3. Check to make sure that the piano is unable to roll around or tip while the truck is moving.

Moving In

Before you move into your new home, makes sure you know exactly where the piano will go. It should be against a wall; preferably an inside wall where it will be protected from the cold and damp. Reverse the steps outlined above. Again, if you have to negotiate stairs, elevators, or a tight space, call a professional.

Get It Tuned

Each time a piano is moved, it will need to be tuned. While pianos are heavy objects and seem pretty solid, their inner workings are sensitive to movements and bumps. A professional tuner will have it sounding perfect again.


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